Videos are outdated and for reference only.

Please see write-up below.

Englishtown Ferry


Wreck Cove

Located Near Wreck Cove in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Last updated May 2024

Suitable for:

Dualsport Riders (Easy)

Adventure Riders (Easy)

Make sure to fuel up at the Wreck Cove Store! 

5A Highway to Englishtown Ferry to Wreck Cove Store

It is recommended that you take this 21 minute (29km) pavement ride to Wreck Cove Store due to reasons described below.

5B Kellys Mountain to Wreck Cove 2023

(North River Falls & Dams)

A big change for 2024 is the “removal” of the Kelly’s Mountain to Wreck Cove route introduced back in 2021.

In previous years this 2hr 30min (88km) route would take riders to North River Falls, up into the highlands, across McMillan and Gisborne Flowage (Dams) and then down to Wreck Cove Store. There are a few reasons for the routes removal from the flow this year.

Difficulty: The initial climb towards North River Falls was found to be hard and discouraging for many riders.

Timeline: There is a lot of Cape Breton to see and this was a lengthy section on what is an already demanding day for most riders.

Redundancy: There is better route flow when accessing North River Falls from the Cheticamp side (Why do two hard climbs when you can get away with one?).

Long story short:

Both routes are included in the files, but it is recommended that you take the 21 minute (29km) pavement ride to Wreck Cove Store included in “5A”.

Special attention and care must be taken when riding over the Dams headed towards Wreck cove and when riding over bridges on the way to North River Falls Look-Off.

Stay safe!

 Notable locations along this leg:

-North River Falls (Tallest Waterfall in Nova Scotia)

-Mcmillan Flowage

-Gisborne Flowage

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