Video is outdated and for reference only.

Please see write-up below.



Englishtown Ferry

Located near Baddeck in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia

Suitable for:

Dualsport Riders (Intermediate with hard sections)

Adventure Riders (Intermediate with hard sections)

Please note that there are bypass routes included in the GPS files for those who may wish to avoid the HARD and Intermediate sections.

This mostly Intermediate 2hr route features a mix of pavement, twisty back roads and all forms of off-road terrain. The route should be achievable by most competent off-road riders, although those on larger or overloaded adventure bikes may want to by-pass “Kelly’s Lane” due to ground clearance limitations and the steep descent.

(I’m looking at you Vstrom people)

2A Whycocomagh -> Baddeck -> Hwy105 via Trails

Easy with Intermediate sections.

The route begins with a 36km pavement ride from Whycocomagh provincial park to “downtown” Baddeck, home of the Alexander Graham Bell National Historic Site (visit the link to see “things to do”). Fuel and a Tim Horton’s are available on Highway 105 just before Baddeck (Exit 8).

After reaching Baddeck, you will proceed through 45 minutes (33km) of freshly paved twisty back roads, dirt roads, and trails.

Most of this riding is Easy with a few Intermediate sections and a couple of “sketchy bridges” to cross near Usige Ban Falls (bypass available) and Marsh Brook. The most technical riding will be immediately after Usige Ban Falls bridge and then diffuse trail washouts as you continue towards Hwy 105.

If you struggle with this section you are STRONGLY encouraged to use the “3B” bypass.

3A Hwy 105 to Kelly's Mountain via Cliff-side


This 35 minute (27.6km) section of coastal riding includes approximately ten kilometres of cliff-side riding along Kellys Mountain. Loose fist-sized to bowling-ball sized rocks, diffuse washouts, and occasional rock-slides are what wait for you as you wind along the side of the mountain.

Slow your roll and maintain the attack position on the cliff-side! Assuming you didn’t turn around, the route will terminate at the top of Kellys mountain.

(Video in Production)

3Z Excluded for 2024: Swamp Section


Excluded from the route for 2024 but worth mentioning due to previous inclusion is Big Brook Cut-Off and Old Big Harbour Trail.

Are you looking for mud, ATV ruts, swamp, tree branches, and a friend of the four legged variety burrowing into your skin? This trail is for you!

4A Kelly's Mtn via Kelly's Lane


If you’ve made it through so far without breaking a sweat, then you may want to consider this next section!

At 20 minutes (7.5km) and with an elevation decline of 300 meters, “Kelly’s Lane” has you travel the mostly washed out road turned trail down Kelly’s Mountain.

It even features great scenery… if you find the time to look. Between the mud, grass, boulders and trees looking to take you out, it is recommend to take at least 2.4 seconds to enjoy the scenery (A happy adventure rider is a safe adventure rider).

There are two sketchy bridges on this route with the first providing the highest risk. The first will require finesse as you keep your tires on the reasonable but relatively thin patch of wood/steel. Failure to do so will result in a “lengthy” and unrecoverable fall into the river below.

The second “sketchy” bridge is at the bottom of the mountain and has remained unchanged in appearance from 2023-2024. However this second bridge is at risk of having the approach washed out.

If you find yourself with a washed-out approach, stop and take a look around. There are grated steel ladders and wooden beams on both sides of the bridge to create a ramp.

Immediately after the second bridge is a fire-pit on the left. It’s smooth and easy riding from here as you head towards the Englishtown Ferry!

A forever changing guide:

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